It took me three years, but in Oct '18 I finally made it.
Gabby Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie Masterclass Level 2
Check out my BLOG HERE to read up on getting to my first of three SJM's
I can’t imagine my life without it
Actually I can... but I don't want to. I look back on my past self with so much love, but also with a "oh, you still have so much to learn". And this is just the beginning, I will never stop learning, progressing, falling and getting back up again. I'm so blessed to have been able to do this training and to have met so many people who are like family now.
Left: I geeked out and brought my light letter box...they all LOVED it 🙂
The entire place is magical, the grounds, services and even the food.
I drove down and allowed myself a full day to get there to enjoy the trip, it was in late fall and absolutely gorgeous. New York state through country roads and small towns with planned playlists = awesomeness. I arrived at Kripalu and though parking everywhere was packed, I scooped one of the closest spots in long term parking. *thank you universe*.
I was actually quite nervous. Excited but, nervous for, I don’t know what. I immediately felt better when I saw a few fellow Spirit Junkie friends. We caught up and chatted over coffee while our rooms got ready for us. The rooms were basic and perfect. Just what we needed.  I of course brought my diffuser with my favorite scents 😉 Which, thankfully my roomie was very into it.
Having our first evening of intros we got our first taste of the amazing food….. omg the food! So clean, so many options… incredible. Then off to bed as early as I could.
The girls and I got up extra early to nab our seats, I needed to be in the front row. Not to be too much of a keener, but when I sat front row and SJM1 this year, magical things happened, Gabby noticed from the stage and mentioned it to me later AND in a facebook live. I felt on fire (in a good way) so if it helped me there, damn right I’m doing it again. The power in that room was so strong. This was the first year that it ended up being all women. I felt accepted, loved and haven’t felt so at home with a group of people in my whole life. Everyone deserves this feeling at least once in their lifetime.
But above it all…it’s about
the people you meet
Sure, we covered a lot on personal growth, got into marketing and business, public speaking (which I was super excited for) writing our first book. We had several guest speakers (aka badasses) and we learned and got inspired by so much. Some we were looking for, some hit us in a big AHA moment… but the people you end up meeting and connection with on such an incredible deep level, very quickly. Some knew things about me in two days that I never told anyone. Ever. It’s just that kind of vibe.
I had a group of girls, who are like family to me now. We are a core group of four who still have group calls all the time, we support and call each other when we need to, I also have several more women who I feel deeply connected to and we support and keep in touch all of the time. To have running buddies, to have people who “get it” and understand what you’re going through and, love them, but not all of our regular friends and family get it. Not all of it. So this…this makes it worth a million. The connections and freedom to be the real you, scratch that, all sides of you and be loved for it, is priceless.
Below : Can you spot me? Front row baby!