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What high vibe means to me

By Business, Self Development, Uncategorized

High Vibe : A naturally high state. The state of joy one achieves when a persons actions and beliefs are aligned and all the pieces of their life have integrity and love at it’s core. The state of bliss experienced when at full health as a result of being substance free.

 – Urban Dictionary

Being high vibe, a boss, gypsy or badass etc to me means taking responsibility, doing the research, asking questions, not being a sheep, doing your part, standing up for what you believe in, even if you’re the first voice saying it. Sign that petition. Bring attention to that cause you love.  Write a letter to that company.  If you don’t like something, do something about it. Stand up. Standing up for what’s right.  With much love and respect for our Mother Earth.

Imagine if everyone cared and voted with their money. The world could be such a different place.  If we bought local, took care in our buying power to not have mass amounts of cheapness from overseas but rather quality made with local designers or vintage and using what’s already here.  Research where things are made and what you are supporting with your purchase.

Doing things not for vanity, or because an influencer says it’s cool, but because you’re aligned with it, it’s healthy for you and makes you happy.  Breaking down what society tells us and deciding for ourselves what’s good.

I sometimes hear of people in my field of wellness or spirituality dishing on healthy food, #highvibe, but then mentioning a great boho dress they got at a fast fashion store, or a lipstick they got at a drug store that was so cheap (don’t get me started as to what the ingredients are for those… what you’re eating… *shudder*) .They need to keep going, keep reaching for that next level, that next frontier on what it means to be a light worker in this beautiful life we have.  We’re literally consuming and shrouding ourselves in a vibe of goods.  That boho dress was made in terrible working conditions overseas and no love energy was put into the making of it and the dye is the cheapest and pollutes the planet, that lipstick is just filler, bad for you shizzle in there.  Read the ingredients, look into where things are mades and investigate.

(Here’s a great doc on Netflix called The True Cost about fast fashion)

In Kundalini yoga, we use our fingers as antennas for energy, is your nail polish made with formaldehyde and other baddy things that are blocking your energy stream?  That lotion we put on, those ingredients are getting in our bloodstream and are they blocking our energy points throughout our body?

Little things like if everyone stopped buying products with animal parts unnecessarily (the animal abuse that happens often for just trim on a coat to makeup brushes is disgusting) Also, are you working in wellness with “high vibe” people, ask where the gemstones are mined, where the farming happens for the essential oils your buying, ask the questions, are they supporting child labour?  Paying farmers fairly?

Our buying power is effing huge and you can make an impact by where we shop.  We can do so much good in the world, simply by making more informed, educated choices for ourselves, the earth and future generations.


“Every dollar is a vote for the world you want to live in”


I’ve heard and have used the above quote before numerous times, but I would like to take it a step further by saying, every like and every view as well, especially online.  Imagine if nobody liked, watched or shared a particular viral family… our attention is so powerful and shapes the world we’re in, which then becomes the norm and snowballs in a particular direction.  It’s all relative, we compare ourselves to what’s around us and that becomes our environment. I invite you to think about what you see in your everyday, because that’s something we can change easily, if any account or person you follow makes you feel small in ANY way, unfollow them.  Follow and engage with ones who inspire and encourage the right things for you.  For example, I don’t follow many makeup or fashion accounts other than eco ones or friends, Barely any celebrities, I follow a lot of animal rescues, life and biz coaches and indie artists around the world.  I want them to have the attention, my likes, my views, they deserve it.  And I see those and as a result makes me happy, inspired and feeling high vibe.


Tips –

Check in with local Facebook groups and see what markets are around, clothes swaps etc

Etsy, Do a search for shops near you.

When you give gifts, give a wellness/experience gift, like a yoga pass, massage, skydiving session, a day planned of your favorite things, you’re creating an amazing memory for them as well as supporting a local business.

Let’s make this world a badass place for everyone
