The Manifested Trip
This trip meant a lot to me.
For so many reasons:
It seemed incredible, all of those fantastic people from all over the world
Great speakers, getting inspired in the same room always beats a video
Travel, sign me up to anywhere, I love travel.
But really, how it came about, is what really meant everything to me. I had been a fan of Lewis Howes and followed his Instagram and Podcast, but not obsessively or anything, kinda on the back burner… hold that in your thoughts for a sec…
I was having a great morning, it was a gorgeous hot and sunny day out and was hanging loads of laundry on the line. I looked at my phone and my heart sunk, a message from my ex boyfriend asking if I was home and he could bring the rest of my stuff off. It had been about ten months, but it still really hurt and this would be the first time I would see him since we were a couple. I was in a bit of a panic, trying to compose myself and I don’t think he noticed how off I really was. I tried to act cool and my joyful self. He drove away as we laughed about a joke or something and I immediately went inside to cry. Everything came flooding back and I felt all of those nasty broken up with feelings all over again. After an hour or so I said to myself… no. This isn’t a sad day, I can choose again, it’s still early, this day can be something else still.
Looking for inspiration to get myself out I turned to my Pinterest Pages for quotes, and the screen shots I take when something pops up on Instagram I like. I posted some on my own Instagram stories if only to inspire others who may be having a tough day… I always tag where they come from and a couple were of Lewis Howes. I felt a little better, probably swapped out some laundry, in a bit I checked my phone and Lewis had written to me. I messaged how bad my day had been, mentioned the story in short and he wrote again in support. Just being seen by someone who influences me at such a terrible time meant the world. I did a 180, felt incredible and had so many little signs after that, you know the ones where you know you’re on the right track?
I didn’t think I would be able to swing it, but through a random group posting (in a completely other business group) someone was selling their ticket. For half the price I was expecting to pay…I declared to myself “if I make an unexpected $500 by this weekend, I’m going” and no joke the next morning I had a last minute wedding inquiry totaling $497 (!) and day of with tip and lashes it was more like $800 AND that wedding ended up being published in three magazines… it kept on giving!
I scooped an incredible hotel rate by sharing with two girls (we were besties from the start, I still love them and hope to stay with them again this year) I *kinda* got a cheap flight (spoiler, I was due to fly out Sat aft missing the closing session and party but my wedding back home cancelled and it would have cost $800 just to change the flight and through the facebook group I got a ride most of the way home in no time and caught a $100 train home. boom.) Everything just came together.
So this happened…